Welcome to Email Marketing Mastery

After helping 100+ D2C brands scale to 7&8 figures, I've seen a trend...

Most brands focus on MORE instead of BETTER...

They get stuck in an endless hamster wheel of trying to drive MORE first time customers.

Pay to acquire new customer...

New customer purchases...

New customer leaves...

👉 This leads to is a never ending revolving door

Not good.

It becomes a fight to remain profitable as advertising costs inevitably rise...

And it makes it nearly impossible to grow past a certain point.

This is where 'BETTER' comes in.

Instead of this...

After helping 100+ D2C brands scale to 7&8 figures, I've seen a trend...

Most brands focus on MORE instead of BETTER...

They get stuck in an endless hamster wheel of trying to drive MORE first time customers.

Pay to acquire new customer...

New customer purchases...

New customer leaves...

👉 This leads to is a never ending revolving door

Not good.

It becomes a fight to remain profitable as advertising costs inevitably rise...

And it makes it nearly impossible to grow past a certain point.

This is where 'BETTER' comes in.

Instead of this...

We focus on 3 things:

Increasing Profitability

Decrease your front-end CPAs on your current marketing initiatives.

Increase Retention

Get current customers to purchase more, and more frequently.

Brand Ambassadors

Create an army of loyal brand ambassadors and leverage the 'compounding effect'.

How do you do this?

Well, within our agency, Escend Media, we do all of this for you.

But because some brands are not quite ready for the investment in our agency, we built Email Marketing Mastery.

As a member, you get access to our team, our processes and the exact step-by-step we use for the 7&8 figure D2C brands we work with.

All at a fraction of the cost of what it would be to hire our team.

So, what's included?

As a member of Email Marketing Mastery, you'll get

  • Step-by-step guide on how to build an unshakable retention system

  • Unrivalled access to Derek & his team, and their knowledge

  • Initial 1:1 Strategy Call with Derek

  • 24/7 Access Group Chat

If this sounds interesting, and you're looking for a team to support you in reaching the next level...

Who is this for?

  • D2C Brands looking to take their email marketing & retention systems to the next level

  • D2C Brands ready to invest in building a long-term brand & who don't want to go it alone.

  • Freelancers looking to improve their email marketing skills & expertise

  • Agency Owners looking to add email marketing to their arsenal.

Who is this NOT for?

  • D2C Brands doing over $50k/mo - if you're at this level, our agency may be more of a fit for you

  • If you're looking for the easy way and you don't want to invest the time, money and energy that it takes to build something truly great.

  • If you've got more money than time and if you're looking for someone to do it all for you. Again, it might be a good fit to check out our agency.

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